Thursday, February 17, 2011

An Interesting issue in the Filter Dialogue...

We use Filters a great deal in our office, and in our Template. More and more, with being able to use the data from the objects themselves, i find they work a lot better than using the all-encompassing category controls of the standard VG dialogue tabs.

When adding in some more Filters, however, i came across an interesting "snafu" with the Filter Tab interface. I'll file a Support Request on it, but thought i would throw it up here as well.

Incidentally, the constant need to use the "up up up up" button is ridiculous. We need to be able to click and drag them. Filters are hierarchal: if multiples both override the same thing (assuming neither overrides by disabling visibility, which makes it automatically trump, which makes no sense, but i digress.) So with them being hierarchal, the ones at the top are given priority. But, you cannot control where a filter goes when you add it: It goes to the bottom. Then its "up up up up up." And if two filters need to "Pass in the Night," and one has cut items disabled, you have to REMOVE the filters, and add them in in decreasing magnitude of Override Capability.


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