Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This is NOT a Trick Question.

Ive been remiss, as i have a few posts "sitting in the queue" waiting to write, but ive been crazy busy this month, with little downtime to write. 

Im having to write a brief piece for work, and it brought this question to the forefront of my mind.  I know- asking it here- that it will feel 1. Like a trick question, 2. Like im pushing people towards a predetermined answer, and 3. Like its focused on our technology and methodologies.... But thats not what i want.  Leave the software at the door, leave the computers behind (you know, except to type your answer).

So let me ask you: 

1.  Are you an Architect, an Engineer, or a Contractor/Subcontractor?
2.  What do you think "your job is?"

(Shortest Malleristic Post EVER).


Erik said...

This is not a trick answer. ;)

We are all three. We are an integrated Design-Build Firm. I (personally) think our job is to construct the building our clients envision, on schedule and at the promised price.

Others at my firm might disagree.

Andy Milburn said...

I'm an architect (though I used to be a bricklayer).

My job is to coordinate, to see the bigger picture (or the wood from the trees, to help the client and everyone else involved in a project to see beyond tunnel vision, to think in terms of "value" and not just price, to be accountable to society at large, and not just to my client.

Julien BENOIT said...

I'm an engineer, working in construction world.
I like my job, cause I learn something new everyday.
I want to make AEC industry a smart and efficient one, so that people will come on site with a smile on their face. My humble contribution is focused on BIM workflows.

cbaze said...

I'm an architect turned contractor, and my job is to catch all of the mistakes strewn throughout construction documents before they become issues in the field.

RevitRandomiser said...

1. Architectural Technologist
2. I am an enabler, my job is to help others do their job better and more effeciently.

Anonymous said...

I am a structural engineer and my job is to help translate between the designers and the builders. I need to understand both languages to keep beauty from being "lost in the translation".